July 27, 2024

Industrial Detergents

Home  >>  Industrial Products  >>  Industrial Detergent  >>  Savoline LB
Product Number

SAVOLINE LB: Lubricating oil

Main Features
• سريع الجفاف - مقاوم عالي للتصبن - قوى التحمل
• Detergent base formula
• Cleans, inhibits corrosion and improves sealing.
• Creates a separating film between surfaces of adjacent moving parts to minimize direct contact between them, decreasing heat caused by friction and reducing wear, thus protecting the machinery.
• Medium viscous transparent, odorless and low foaming liquid.

Main Applications
• Effective for moving bottles through the driving chains during the production operation without affecting their parts.

Available Packaging
•  50kg – 125kg

Consumption rate:
• Dilute 1:20 or 1:50 with clean water.

For export we can provide the packaging sizes according to your requirements.

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